
Contact us for special rates and packages

No registration fee

Prices in Euros, all taxes included.


 Standard Course                             15 hours a week 250225200

  Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 +
    Our Classics
 Standard Course                             25 hours a week  380 350 335
 French and Sports                          15 hours French + Sport Variable selon les sports.Consultez-nous
 Private Lesson                                   60 minutes 38    
    Special Courses                                                                               25 hours a week
 French and Walking  400 350 300
 French and Cooking  450 400 350
 French and Film  400 350 300
 French for Property Investors  400 350 300
 French on Stage  450 400 350
French for Journalists 500 450 400
French for Diplomats 500 450 400